The photography book

A collection of personal, educational and commercial shoots.

**All the pictures are post-produced by me

A, B, C …

Cutlery tray made of polypropylene produced by Magis Italia, designed by Jasper Morrison.

Still life pictures shot by Sony Alpha 7 III - educational purpose.

The goal during this process was to retract different aspects of the object: from its concreteness and materiality to its abstraction. Blue colour and its transparency played an important role for the success of the shooting, enhancing it through flash light reflected on the white infinity cove behind the object.

Tolomeo Table

Lamp in polished aluminium produced by Artemide, designed by Michele De Lucchi and Giancarlo Fassina.

Still life pictures shot by Sony Alpha 7 III - educational purpose.

Light experimentation, highlighting the lamp profiles and its solidity, in contrast with its apparently fragile components. The desired effect is to have a soft light that caresses the body of the lamp, also enhanced by the dark background.


Hand-made jewelry brand by Italian artist Francesca Bonanno.

Some of her iconic pieces - shot by iPhone 13 Pro.

elegance and peculiarity, two adjectives that define those one-of-a-kind jewelry. The perfect imperfection of her creations recalls the Japanese philosophy of Wabi-Sabi, which enhances the alterations that time produces on the objects.

A,B,C and Tolomeo Lamp in collaboration with Avezzù Federico, Grandesso Gloria, Ongaro Federica, Pagin Beatrice